Comms help needed for Hood To Coast Relay!

Posted at the request of Jason Batey KD7YJZ, via Terry Niedermeyer W7TPN and CARES EC Steve Jensen KE7GXC

The comms planners for the 42nd annual Hood To Coast Relay are looking for Amateur Radio volunteers to provide communications support for this great event.


It’s almost that time again, the 42nd annual Hood To Coast Relay is just around the corner. (Really, it will be here before we know it!). The race will be held August 23rd and 24th. The success of this event each year greatly depends on the many volunteers that keep it running. Our communications volunteers are a critical part of that group. We sincerely appreciate the hours and dedication you have shown in the years past and hope you will be part of the event again this year.

Shift Coverage

We will be using the same scheduling process this year as in years past.
For those who are unfamiliar with the process, the following explains how it will work.

  • Please log on to  to verify your desire to repeat your previous shifts or change the shifts you would like to cover. This is also where to find new HAM volunteer registration.
  • If you could confirm your shift within the next 2 weeks I would be eternally grateful. You do this simply by logging in to the W7HTC site and checking what you’re signed up for, and making any adjustments you wish.
  • If you are unable to login to the registration site or you are having problems of any kind reach out to Jason.
  • Race Control shifts are not listed on the website. If this is a position that you are interested in volunteering for please contact either Chad or Jason for availability. We appreciate the willingness of everyone to support as net control however, due to the size of this event, volunteers must have previous net control experience for the race control positions.
  • As always, please pass this email on to anyone you feel might be interested in volunteering for this event or to anyone who has volunteered in the past but may not have received this email for some reason.
  • Every position is important so if for any reason you will be unable to cover your scheduled shift, after confirming for this years event, please cancel your shift on the website and contact Jason by email so that we can find coverage.
Vehicle sigh

Online forms

The information in our shared drive is still from last year. We will be updating it for this year as time goes on.  You can also access them from the registration website under the “important information” tab. The link to the folder can be found HERE. More information will be available as we get closer to the race.

As always, please feel free to contact Chad or myself if you have any questions or concerns. Please share this with anyone you think will be interested in volunteering.
Thank you and regards,

Jason Batey KD7YJZ
Communications Coordinator
Hood to Coast/Portland to Coast Relays
Better Series

Chad Gertz K7CKG

Director of Communications

Hood to Coast and Portland to Coast Relays
Better Series