2025 “Winter Field Day” Update

1/17/2025 email to CARES AECs, from South County AEC Ryan Poteet KC7TAK…

Subject: Re: Winter Field Day January 25-26 2025

AECs please share this message with your team.



We are just about a week away from WFD 2025!  Please take time to look over the online information found below.


When: January 25-26th 2025


Where: Lonny Johnson N7CGI QTH —  19768 S Harper Rd, Colton, OR 97017


We will operate from a great location in Colton, Oregon, owned by N7CGI Lonny Johnson.  He was gracious enough to let us camp and operate for this 

event.  There is a portapotty available onsite, campfire ring, lots of room and most importantly a quiet RF noise floor.

https://winterfieldday.org/   The rules are also attached.


Weather forecasts for next weekend show mostly sunny skies, with chilly temperatures in the low 40s during the day and 30s at night.  Remember to dress like an onion, layers of clothing to adjust for different temps.  Lonny will have a warming fire so bring your folding camp chairs to sit around the fire or operate from tents.



-Handheld radio.  We will operate on CLAC 3  146.420 a simplex frequency and keep everyone connected on 2     meters.
-Water to stay hydrated and snacks to eat.
-Layers of clothing, including gear to stay dry incase of showers.
-Folding camp chair.
-Note pad and writing utensils.
-Fully charged batteries if you plan to bring your own radio.  Let’s avoid gas generators, solar chargers, noise makers if at all possible.


We will all be operating under the OCARES callsign of WA7OC.  Our exchange will be very simple.  Number of transmitters on the air, Outdoor, and our ARRL section.  i.e.    “4 Oscar, Oscar Romeo(Oregon)”  If we have 5 transmitters we’ll be “5 Oscar(outdoor), Oscar Romeo(Oregon)”.  If you have questions, don’t worry, we’ll get you sorted out.  We would love to give everyone a chance to get on the air to make contacts.  However, if you only want to observe and hang out for the day that’s completely fine as well!


I will be working with Lonny tomorrow to scope out the layout for our event.  We want to space out the stations for noise and give our filters the best chance to avoid interference.  I will be placing wooden stakes to indicate station placement.  Please check with me before setting up your station so we get everyone spaced out.


Lonny will also have a dedicated parking area with caution tape so we can avoid driving over coax and thru camping areas.


I have band pass filters for the following bands: 10,15,20,40 meters.  Once we determine what band you will operate from, I will give you a band pass filter and coax jumper to install between your radio and your antenna.  Stations will stay on their selected band, only one station per band may be operated at a time.  If you want to switch bands, just check with me and we can coordinate a band change.


I’m sorry for the lengthy email, but there are a lot of moving pieces with a multi station operation.  This event has been posted around Clackamas County and in some local newspapers.  We are expecting visitors to arrive and know very little about what we do.  Let’s be good ambassadors for Amateur Radio and show the public our capabilities!


As always, please feel free to reach out to me with any questions.


Best Regards,


Ryan Poteet, KC7TAK




Assistant Emergency Coordinator, South County


Clackamas Amateur Radio Emergency Service (CARES)