CARES 2025 Training Schedule

As put together by the CARES Training Leader Jeremy Tanzer KI7BDP and the CARES Staff, here are the Training Classes planned for the first half of 2025:

11-Jan:  Principles of ICS and forms
08-Feb: Radio Field Diagnostics (DVM, SWR/Watt Meter, Antenna Analyzer)
08-Mar: Anderson Powerpoles and Coax (moved to Room 205, Roger Rook Hall – see 3/8/25 Calendar entry)
12-Apr: Soldering – stuff and PowerPole connectors (when it’s needed) and PL-259 connectors to coax
10-May: Antenna Building
14-June: Winlink
12-July: DC Power

The hours for each class will be posted on the Calendar page of the CARES website.

Through March, unless noted otherwise on the CARES Calendar, these classes will be held in room 141 of the Niemeyer Center, on the Clackamas Community College campus in Oregon City (building ‘N’ on the following map).