Great time to join the CARES Winlink Weekly Training Net

The CARES Winlink Weekly Training Net entered a new 6 week training cycle on Wednesday, 3/5/2025. This week (#123) is a great time to start participating in this training net, because each 6 week cycle begins with a very basic Winlink activity, as described below.

This Winlink training net was begun more than 2 years ago  by Andrew Watson N1ACW, for LOARES, the Lake Oswego sub-unit of CARES. The net is open to all members of CARES.

The basic exercise that begins every 6 week cycle is to send a properly-formatted (one-line) check-in sentence via Winlink email, to the “CLACKAMAS-WEEKLYNET” tactical address that has been established for these exercises.

Through each 6 week cycle, the exercises become a progressively challenging, with the participants exploring advanced features of Winlink and/or operational challenges that might occur while using Winlink in an actual EMCOMM incident.

Use of Winlink over a RF channel is encouraged, but exploring many of the Winlink features can be accomplished through an internet connection, via a Winlink Telnet session.

Each week  of the 6-week cycle starts on Wednesday, when the net-control operator/team sends a “Call for check-ins” e-mail to all registered participants, both via the internet and via Winlink, explaining the goals for that week’s exercise, and providing detailed instructions.  All exercise submissions, including a properly-formatted check-in sentence, must be completed by 5:00 AM on the following Tuesday. At the end of each training week, usually by Tuesday afternoon, the net control operator(s) send a “CARES Winlink Weekly Net  No. xxx – Conclusion” email, with a list of successful submissions, critiques, help and suggestions for improvements.

Andrew Watson N1ACW, wrote this at the end of week #122, on 3/4/2025:

Thanks to Matt, KK7MLS for running the Winlink net over the last six weeks – great job!

Doug, KJ7JCR and Mark, KF7KXX will be running the net for the next six week cycle starting tomorrow!

Tomorrow will be a great time to join the net since we’ll be easing into the six week cycle. We especially welcome a few more of our leaders, the AECs. Don’t be afraid – we won’t bite!

Having said that, it’s easy to join the net any time in a cycle – the minimum requirement is just to check in using a plain Winlink message and your check-in sentence.


Here is the week #123 “Call for check-ins”, with instructions and examples of how the check-in sentence should look: